Cory Kenneth Buott

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Cory Kenneth Buott

cory. i hope you are not writing the truth. the truth is objective and only the dead are truly objective. peter. -Peter C. Newman wrote this to me, in December 2006. While this seemed true then, and I still agree in part, we have to ask the following questions: What is truth? What is alive/dead? While we have definitions of for both truth and dead -how do we know these definitions are true if we do not challenge them (logically) ourselves? In my exploration, truth carries subjectivity when there is human observer. What is most important here, in my opinion, is to establish as full an interdependent truth as possible -something that is common to all of our experiencing. Based on this, we have some fully interdependent agreement in a concept, prediction, or event. The truth is, I do not completely understand truth beyond letting the moment pass without applying any judgement, prediction, or comparison. But transparency and the criteria expressed in this pledge will help me do my best.