Meet Executive Director of the Pro-Truth Pledge Titus Benton

What’s your role with the Pro-Truth Pledge?

As Executive Director, it is a true gift for me to have the opportunity to inspire a growing community of change makers toward a shared commitment to the truth. By activating our boards, volunteers, donors, and other stakeholders, I partner with the founders in scaling our efforts to reach broader audiences and increase the efficacy of the Pro-Truth Pledge for both the public and private sectors.

What’s the problem that inspired you to take the role of Executive Director of the Pro-Truth Pledge?

Every age of human history has been fraught with the tension between progress and exploitation. The Industrial Age brought great wealth, expansion, and convenience – but often at the expense of people’s bodies, health, and overall well-being. Labor laws, technology, and grassroots advocacy work were necessary correctives that served the common good.

Fully embedded in the Information Age, it is the proliferation of mis- and dis-information that requires our attention lest we do ourselves irreparable harm. It is only through a shared commitment to truth telling – in the face of algorithmic incentives which reward interaction with content rather than the accuracy of that content – that we can find a sustainable path forward where confidence in the veracity of information is possible.

For this reason, I found the mission of Pro-Truth Pledge both compelling and necessary, and was moved to engage when given the opportunity.

Why do you believe the Pro-Truth Pledge helps solve the problem?

I believe people want to take a stand for truth and reliable information. But the social pressure to remain in an echo chamber, share information that has not been vetted, and remain loyal to our conscious and subconscious biases is strong. Pro-Truth Pledge has the opportunity to subvert this pressure with social incentives around responsible truth-telling. By inviting civic and business leaders, social influencers, and the general public into a shared commitment to the truth, PTP can help turn people’s vision for accurate information into a reality.

Why are you the right person to lead the Pro-Truth Pledge as its Executive Director?

I am a seasoned nonprofit leader with over 20 years’ experience. Among the great joys of my career has been the opportunity to found an agency and help two other young organizations scale to new levels of influence. I believe Pro-Truth Pledge has all the ingredients to scale and help change the tide of irresponsible information practices in our politics and broader society, and my experience in helping agencies grow is something I think will serve PTP well at this juncture in its history.

How do you plan to accomplish this?

As a two-time political candidate, I have the network to provide PTP with meaningful new individual connections and networks of common interest. I have also spent significant time in my career constructing and facilitating groups of volunteers to rally around a common goal. I can lead the charge, but it will take a small army to meet our objectives. Please take the pledge, donate, volunteer, or send me an email at ptpdirector[at] and join in this worthy work.

#MeaCulpaToo and the Pro-Truth Pledge: Why Mea Culpas Are Important, and How the Pledge Can Help

Guinevere Nell

We all make mistakes – believe strongly in ideologies, groups, or even jobs – which we later see for the bad things, for the dangers, they truly are. Being too certain itself is a big problem, because we all make mistakes. I might as well as anybody be the one to stand next to Michael Cohen and say Mea Culpa Too. The long version of my Mea Culpa is here.

All those who voted for or profited from the right wing movement which has become today’s MAGA movement, and now regret it, should consider writing (or making a video) as many have already done – some type of a Mea Culpa, just as Cohen did, and tagging it #MeaCulpaToo so that we can create a movement around this sharing of honest regret. That is a great way to start the process of forgiveness and unity. And that forward progress would be aided by those who express regret also taking the Pro-Truth Pledge, so that they are not dismissed cynically, as many on the left dismissed The Lincoln Project.

I believe that this substantial group of people, as I did, would feel better to admit those mistakes in a Mea Culpa, so long as it was accepted in the manner and spirit it is given – with humility and openness. I think that a perfect way to make a Mea Culpa stick would be to also take the Pro-Truth Pledge (as I did some years ago) as a way of regaining any lost reputation or concerns about our past. A promise to do better, and a willingness to be held accountable for being honest, going forward, is a great way to show that you are a person of good faith, and not someone who will change their minds again and kowtow to Trump. There must be a number of Nikki Hakley voters and supporters of other Republicans who spoke out only to later endorse him again, who are feeling cynical about politicians holding to any values.

Trust and optimism are essential for democracy and freedom – much more so than security and paranoia or cynicism, which help usher in a more authoritarian system. Democracy requires hope, to give people the incentive to get out and vote, and to volunteer or run for office to help bring change. Without this spirit of hope the only people who run for office do it for selfish reasons. This is why the abolition movement among slaves was lifted by their churches (and other churches) and song and faith and optimism, and that this held through the Civil Rights Era. It is also expounded on in a more academic fashion by the Russian pro-democracy advocate Peter Pomerantsev, and the connection between cynicism and irony has been explored for the ways they may affect political engagement. To break through this, we may need some radical truth, and pride in being who we authentically are. Cue Tik Tok video?

Russia is often portrayed as steeped in multiple layers of cynicism: post-transition, postmodern and late-Soviet, each of which has impacted majority political participation in specific ways. In the twenty-first century’s second decade, cynicism can appear to be the one type of discourse available to all groups of Russian society. It encompasses those in government and business as much as those far from the centers of power and wealth. In 2011, journalist Peter Pomerantsev claimed that, rather than conservative nationalism or neo-authoritarianism, the Kremlin’s ultimate ideology is one of a cynical form of postmodernism incarnate in a political project: ‘a world of masks and poses, colourful but empty, with little at its core but power for power’s sake, and the accumulation of vast wealth’ (Pomerantsev 2011).

We must forgive others for doing past wrongs, and forgive ourselves – for that, we need to admit we were wrong, or misguided, or at least got something wrong – which we should admit to with a Mea Culpa – and , if we care to save democracy, we must try to do better: by taking a pledge to try to be truthful and learn, listen to others who have evidence, to try to be better, more scientific, more well-informed. The Pro-Truth Pledge is about that. It’s as good a tool as any (I have no connection to it aside from taking it), it properly states what I have said here: I will try to be truthful and admit when I have been misguided as to the facts, and promise to be honest to the best of my ability.

Why It’s Important for Each of Us to Do It

Michael Cohen famously worked for Trump and then loudly proclaimed his Mea Culpa – and has continued to work to fight Trump’s movement. Republican Voters Against Trump have shared many videos from people who tell stories about what they once believed, and about voting for Trump at least once, who now regret it — essentially, these are Mea Culpas too. I have a Mea Culpa myself, having worked for 5 years for the “think tank” which put out Project 2025. I worked there some years ago, but my story can shed light on some things and help to bring us together. We need this, because even the Bulwark (a group created by never-Trump Republicans and named to represent a way to save us from another Trump term and save democracy) – at least right up until Biden graciously dropped out – thought Trump might win. Most are now Democrats, because only one party cares about democracy, now.

We should all be standing with The Bulwark – to help former Republicans into the fold of pro-democracy fighters. I don’t think Trump has a good chance to win fair and square – and we can stop them from cheating and undermining democracy if we stand together and make sure everyone knows that this is not a normal election, and why. Everyone must be aware what Project 2025 is – and that it’s the same, just more detailed, as Trump’s Agenda 47 plan, and that it is written to ensure that they can and would implement all of it – not just some parts, as has happened with previous Heritage “mandate for conservative leadership” documents. This is Trump’s GOP now, and all who are with him are all in. That is indeed the primary point of Project 2025.

Project 2025 is based in the authoritarian playbook (or Active Measures), to take over a democratic government like Orban and Putin did. That’s why it is so dangerous – along with its promise to deport millions, introduce a ban on abortion pills, contraception, pornography, and because the movement makes use of violence and tireless corruption. It is a neo-fascist movement.

And now the Supreme Court is backing Trump up! The case against him over his unwillingness to return the people’s classified documents has been dropped. This all must stop now, the people must wake up and realize that this is an election like no other. Trump wanted to stay, expected to stay, in office despite losing in 2020. We somehow managed to avoid that, by the skin of our teeth, because good people who were working in government stopped him, including Mike Pence. That is why their new plans, as laid out in 25 and 47 have that possibility eliminated through a hiring process centered on loyalty to Trump, not the constitution.

Enthusiasm and Forgiveness

So let’s all admit any mistakes we made in the past – and like MeToo make it a movement that goes beyond what Republican Voters Against Trump have already been doing — and welcome everyone to the side of democracy with open arms. Let me tell my story, my Mea Culpa. I never voted for Trump but I helped the movement which led to him….

It is too easy to say to ourselves: well, someone else, so many others, did worse than I, I just worked for someone or voted once in a bad way. If we who did less make the first move, we can encourage others to do the same — until we all roar like a lion and demand it of all those still being bad, working for the wrong side. That’s what hashtags are for — the MeToo movement was a roar, the Gay Pride movement was a roar, we can roar when we want to enough. Now it’s time for us all to push out #MeaCulpaToo.

We all make mistakes — being too sure that you are right about what you believe — be it based in religion, trust in others, ideology, or even what you perceive as good science and/or logic or common sense — being too certain itself is a big problem, because we all make mistakes. Hence:

Although my Mea Culpa, and other anti-MAGA ones are most important right now, to apologize for being part of what has become the MAGA movement, there are other things which may require a Mea Culpa. Whether it is something you were raised in or something you found yourself in, and it took you too long — in your own mind, in all honesty — to leave or speak out. But, as long as we finally do, we should be forgiven and forgive ourselves and others.

All of Us

But this movement must also bring in those who have made other mistakes – we must all be honest. The third link above is an article by a progressive LGTBQ+ woman about working in a ‘trans clinic’ – it is a Mea Culpa of sorts by the woman who wrote it, for not leaving and speaking out sooner — will she accept the tag #MeaCulpaToo – or perhaps #MyBad? Is there anyone else wrong about the trans issue, on any side, particularly that of not allowing people to speak in a fair and open environment about the subject? Let’s be honest, this is a brand new discussion. People may be wrong, may be taking anti-trans positions by accident. And people may be wrong about the science, or the way that clinics have been set up. In other democratic, and more progressive, countries there have been changes to clinics, and the guidelines are not the same as those in the United States. It is fair to discuss why and which one is better.

Discussion about youth trans clinics has been censored and divisive from the beginning, in large part due to parents and the idea that anti-trans media has set them against their children – which it certainly has in some high profile cases, at least so it seems from afar. But censorship is not good: you must think this, you must think that. We must have an open dialog, and right now there seems to be very little open, honest, discussion. We must not embrace censorship or go along with anything we personally feel is wrong, simply because it will allow us to fit in, gain power, or profit – large or small – for it. This is of course easier said than done, if we are surviving paycheck to paycheck on the proceeds from working for people who are doing wrong in the world. So we all can understand and forgive each other as we all have made the mistake of working for bad people.

More than one thing can be wrong and scary at the same time — while Trumpism may be the much larger threat to the majority everywhere, the dangers of experimenting on children is also a potential threat which should be discussed , and in a democracy it can, should, and must be discussed. If what this person says is true, this threat also exists and must be fought, before it puts democracy at risk – before it puts children at risk. It must be discussed, rationally and without fear. This is, again, where the Pro-Truth Pledge can help. If one person writes a Mea Culpa, or for other topics perhaps a simple #MyBad, and then takes the Pro-Truth Pledge (tagging #ProTruthPledge), this can open a door for discussion on the topic – will others still promoting the ‘bad thing’ someone wrote their Mea Culpa about also take the pledge and have an honest discussion, resolve any disagreements?

For a democratic and free society, acting in good faith, we can discuss these things. Those who are acting out of hatred should be exposed for this but to do this, we must discuss any real issues that may come up, from people acting out of love and good faith.

No censorship should be taking place as we discuss any issue; which means protests against those spreading actual hate – as the protesters see it – are as valid as any other kind of free speech, so long as we do not allow violence or hatred to fill them, and we try to have good and fruitful discussion with all those who are willing to do the same. The Pro-Truth Pledge can help distinguish between these intentions, as we can hold people to their word and ask serious questions, with the Pledge as the go-to agreement to be honest.

Since when are we afraid to discuss any topic? What topic is so dangerous that it cannot be discussed? So long as we hold to good faith honesty and use discussion not violence or intimidation, we should be able to discuss things, especially when they are new to us.

Unity, Democracy, Freedom

Maybe there are people in the Middle East or anywhere around the globe who would like to Mea Culpa and get along with peace and love and understanding and forgiveness. These are necessary for democracy. It is the love we must not forget, which brings us back to music, the church, and optimism over cynicism:

The nation’s progressive wing shudders at the notion of engaging any concept that cannot be empirically defined. The conservative community abandons the challenge of love when love stirs people to question doctrine and realign political alliances. In our culture, love gets jettisoned from prophetic doctrine in favor of edicts. Instead of creating a loving dialogue around poverty, abortion, and race, we take positions. But the black church has held on to a vision of love with special poignancy. Its unique history required it to see America from the underside and adopt the love ethic of Christ as a community bruised and scorned by a society claiming democratic ideals.

We must do this now, embrace love (with or without religion), all of us, to put the hate behind us. This is the only way forward, if we want life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness rather than death by shootings, other violence and war, and an authoritarian, neo-fascist state and global movement. So, perhaps we say we are sorry for whatever we might have done that was contributing to badness, hate, violence, or authoritarianism, and promise to be better going forward, held to account by the Pro-Truth Pledge.

Republican Voters Against Trump has thousands of videos which could be tagged as #MeaCulpaToo, and those people can also be asked if they would like to take the Pro-Truth Pledge, as a part of the Mea Culpa – a promise to try to do better going forward. The Bulwark, and The Lincoln Project (despite progressives being suspicious of the latter, and a few scandals) are people who have given Mea Culpas and interviewed others who have done the same. All these people should be praised for what they have done already and asked to share in the movement and request for forgiveness, embrace into the pro-democracy movement, and agree to take the simple pledge to do better in the future.

There are many people out there who would do good for themselves and for all of us if they unload about what they did, such as voting for Trump, and we forgive them. Embrace them into a better community: a gathering of democracy loving people of all persuasions. A step forward with faith and love in our hearts for a better future – right now only one party wants democracy, if we are being honest and looking at facts and evidence – so it will be with Kamala Harris leading us, along with the new Labour government in Britain, and change happening everywhere for better and sadly worse. But we can face it stronger if we embrace each other despite all our past mistakes. Those of us who are Pro-Truth and pro-democracy must stand together, despite our pasts, and forgiveness, honesty, and love are essential to such a movement.

Community Service Notice: If you have done any of the above things or anything you regret, don’t think “well, I’m in too deep now” or stay in denial or think only of money or position or short term pain, gain, risk — think instead of who you want to be known as, for all history — someone who helped make things better or helped make them worse. If you once helped make them worse in any way, small or large, it will do the world good to hear of your Mea Culpa and your pledge to do better. It will help others come forward. It will help bring us together. It’s not too late. Do it now.

Trump Assassination Attempt Highlights the Deadly Power of Misinformation

Trump Assassination Attempt Highlights the Deadly Power of Misinformation

The recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump has highlighted a deeply troubling trend in American politics: the pervasive spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories. Following the incident at a rally in Pennsylvania, baseless claims quickly spread online, suggesting that the attack was orchestrated by political opponents or even President Biden himself. Figures like Senator JD Vance and Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene have propagated these theories, further fueling division​​.

These conspiracy theories not only distract from the severity of the event but also contribute to the erosion of public trust in democratic institutions. For instance, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland had to publicly refute claims that the FBI had been authorized to use deadly force against Trump during the Mar-a-Lago search, calling these allegations “false and extremely dangerous.” This incident starkly illustrates how quickly misinformation can take root and distort public perception.

Moreover, the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2024 identifies misinformation and disinformation as the most severe short-term risks the world faces. Its report highlights the potential for misinformation to trigger civil unrest and erode the integrity of democratic elections, particularly in a super election year when billions of people across multiple countries are expected to vote.

In this landscape, the role of the media and politicians becomes critically important. Media outlets bear a significant responsibility to ensure their reporting is accurate and fact-based. Sensationalism and the rush to break news can sometimes lead to the dissemination of unverified information, which can then be exploited by those seeking to promote false narratives. Rigorous fact-checking and a steadfast commitment to journalistic integrity are essential in countering this trend.

Politicians also have a crucial role to play. When leaders propagate or fail to denounce misinformation, they contribute to a culture of distrust and division. The reaction to the assassination attempt on Trump is a case in point. While some political figures have taken steps to clarify and refute false claims, others have either remained silent or, worse, amplified these conspiracy theories for political gain​.

The dangers of false narratives are manifold. They can incite violence, as evidenced by the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot, where misinformation about the 2020 presidential election played a significant role. The recent attempt on Trump’s life, followed by immediate and widespread conspiracy theories, echoes this dangerous precedent. Research shows that when people are led to believe in falsehoods, they may feel justified in taking extreme actions​.

Such misinformation corrodes the foundational principles of democracy. Trust in institutions is crucial for a functioning democracy; when that trust is undermined, the entire societal fabric is at risk. Citizens need to have confidence that their leaders and the media are committed to the truth. Without this trust, democratic processes become vulnerable to manipulation and coercion.

The impact of misinformation is not limited to political instability. It has broader implications for society. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists identified that misinformation about vaccines and treatments significantly hindered public health efforts, leading to increased infection rates and preventable deaths. The spread of false information can lead to public health crises, economic instability, and a general sense of insecurity and distrust among the population.

Addressing this issue requires a collective effort. Media organizations must prioritize accuracy over speed, ensuring that their reporting does not inadvertently contribute to the spread of misinformation. Implementing stringent editorial standards and encouraging a culture of accountability can help in this regard.

Politicians and public figures must also commit to truthfulness in their communications. This means actively debunking false narratives and refraining from using misinformation as a political tool. Bipartisan efforts to promote media literacy and critical thinking among the public can also play a vital role in combating the spread of false information.

Technology companies, particularly social media platforms, also have a significant role to play in combating misinformation. These companies must enhance their efforts to identify and mitigate the spread of false information. This could involve improving algorithms to detect and flag misleading content, partnering with fact-checking organizations, and promoting accurate information from reliable sources.

The assassination attempt on Donald Trump should serve as a wake-up call. It is a stark reminder of the importance of truthfulness in political discourse. By prioritizing fact-based reporting and holding our leaders accountable for their words, we can begin to rebuild trust in our democratic institutions and safeguard the future of our democracy.

Truthfulness is not just a moral imperative; it is a practical necessity for the health of our society. In an era where misinformation can spread faster than ever before, it is more important than ever for journalists and politicians to uphold the highest standards of accuracy and integrity. Doing so will not only help prevent future violence but also ensure that our democracy remains robust and resilient in the face of challenges. By collectively committing to truthfulness, we can move toward a more informed and united society, better equipped to tackle the complex issues of our time.

Gleb Tsipursky, PhD, serves as the Chair of the Board of Directors of the Pro-Truth Pledge project and authored Pro Truth: A Practical Plan for Putting Truth Back Into Politics

Introduction From the Former Executive Director of the Pro-Truth Pledge Tyler MacEachran

Tyler MacEachran

What’s your role with the Pro-Truth Pledge?

I have been brought on as the first staff leader for the Pro-Truth Pledge. My role is to create a nimble, cost-effective infrastructure to support awareness of and engagement around the Pro-Truth Pledge. 

I will work closely with the founders, the board of directors, the advisory board, existing volunteers, donors, and other stakeholders to increase capacity by raising funds and getting more volunteers involved. I will develop and implement a strategy towards achieving our goal of increasing truth-oriented behaviors while protecting facts and civility.

What’s the problem that inspired you to take the role of Executive Director of the Pro-Truth Pledge?

I long felt concerned about the many dangerous ways misinformation affects democracy.

It undermines informed decision-making. Democracy relies on citizens making choices based on accurate information about issues, policies, and candidates. Misinformation clouds the truth and makes it harder for people to make wise choices.

It polarizes discourse. When inaccurate information spreads, it tends to confirm people’s biases. This can drive tribalism and push people to more extreme positions, making compromise and consensus-building harder.

It reduces accountability. Democracy depends on voters holding leaders accountable for their decisions and actions. However, when there’s a lack of agreement about the facts, it becomes easier for public figures to evade responsibility.

It threatens electoral integrity. False claims about things like election fraud or the reliability of voting systems undermine trust in core democratic institutions and processes. Even just the perception of impropriety caused by misinformation is hugely destabilizing.

It enables manipulation. Malicious actors (whether domestic or foreign) can weaponize misinformation through propaganda and disinformation campaigns aimed at manipulating public opinion for political ends, rather than informing democratic discourse.

Why do you believe the Pro-Truth Pledge helps solve the problem?

I believe the Pro-Truth Pledge helps to directly address misinformation. Some of the ways we do this include:


By taking the pledge, politicians, media leaders, and other influencers voluntarily commit to standards like retracting statements proven false and owning up to mistakes. This could discourage intentional lying and loose standards around facts.

Changing Incentives 

The pledge creates social incentives and public accountability around truth-telling. Signers know their commitment is public and violations will damage their reputation. This alignment of values and incentives promotes truth.

Setting Norms 

If the pledge gains widespread adoption, it could help set strong societal norms around valuing and prioritizing truth, especially in public discourse. This cultural shift alone would reduce misinformation.

De-escalating Rhetoric 

The pledge asks signers to acknowledge the humanity in those they disagree with and promotes civility. This encouragement of empathy and good faith disagreement can de-escalate polarized rhetoric that often breeds a disregard for truth.


By advocating for media literacy education and critical thinking, the Pro-Truth Movement also aims to equip citizens to better identify misinformation themselves through sharpened evaluation skills.

Of course, the pledge is voluntary and enforcement around violations depends on public pressure. But changing hearts and minds around truth can ultimately help heal some of the underlying societal conditions from which misinformation emerges. An ethos and culture of truth matters tremendously. Promoting media literacy, transparency in the information ecosystem, and a widespread ethic of truthful civic discourse is foundational. An informed and engaged public willing to speak truth is critical in the service of democracy.

Why are you the right person to lead the Pro-Truth Pledge as its first Executive Director?

I have a well-rounded background, which began as a social worker in inner city Detroit. There, I witnessed extreme systemic issues and failed public policies and their profound impact on families. This led me to pursue my Master of Public Administration degree to combat problems on a broader scale.  

Armed with my MPA, I led several nonprofit organizations through significant positive transformations, revenue growth, and increased impact over a period of more than twenty years. Highlights included raising $75M for consecutive annual campaigns during the pandemic and achieving rare 7-figure gifts from individual, corporate, and foundation sources. 

I have intentionally sought out the most challenging of nonprofit roles that could produce the greatest public good, including launching new nonprofits and reinventing existing nonprofits that were struggling. 

Most importantly, I am passionate about the mission of the Pro-Truth Pledge and understand the urgency of taking back our democracy. I love my country and the freedoms we are blessed with. I have four children. I want them to be able to enjoy those freedoms. I understand that the key to a healthy democracy is an accurately informed and engaged citizenry. And in my lifetime, America – and the world as a whole – have never faced so much misinformation, profound bias, and deliberate, manipulative lies from public figures and the media as we see today. Democracy is under attack from within and without. I am looking forward to being a leader who helps bring back the civil and polite discussion of facts and a genuine movement towards consensus and problem-solving for issues and policies that impact us all.

How do you plan to accomplish this?

I will work with volunteers and donors to mobilize private citizens and public figures alike to take the pledge, advance the movement and hold media, politicians, and other influencers accountable to tell the truth. I will increase revenues and capacity to accomplish this and grow an army of volunteer activists to make this happen. We can, and must, combat these challenges to democracy! Please take the pledge, donate, volunteer, or send me an email at ptpdirector[at] and join the fight!

NOTE: Tyler MacEachran left his position at the Pro-Truth Pledge in September 2024 to take advantage of an opportunity to lead an Alzheimer’s disease nonprofit. The mission is deeply personal for Tyler, because the disease took his grandmother’s life, and his grandfather died from the stress of caregiving soon after. Tyler has shared that he was honored to lead the Pro-Truth Pledge and will ensure a smooth transition to the new Executive Director, Titus Benton, and will continue supporting the movement.

Apply to be the Executive Director of the Pro-Truth Pledge!

Job Advertisement:

Executive Director


Become an influential leader in the fight for rational discourse and truth in politics as the Executive Director for Intentional Insights and its Pro-Truth Pledge project. Take charge of an endeavor that doesn’t just aim to quell the wildfires of misinformation, fake news, and post-truth politics, but aspires to re-engineer the very landscape of public dialogue to prioritize truth, civility, and integrity, armed with empirical evidence and rational analysis. Under your stewardship, the Pro-Truth Pledge will become a gold standard for a commitment to facts and accuracy, civility and reasoned dialogue on a national scale.

This is the first Executive Director of the organization, which was previously run by volunteers, and you would be expected to stand up the structure of the organization. That means spending a lot of time contacting those who signed the pledge to ask them to donate and volunteer. Please address your ability to do so in your cover letter thoroughly.

This position offers guaranteed funding through January 2025, with the expectation for continuation based on fundraising performance. As the organization grows, we hope you’ll evolve into a managerial role responsible for leading a team.



– Develop and implement a fundraising strategy tailored to the mission of promoting truth and rational thinking

– Conduct solicitation calls to potential and current donors

Volunteer Coordination and Recruitment

– Design a volunteer engagement strategy to attract those passionate about truth-seeking

– Manage current and new volunteers

Outreach to Other Organizations

– Identify and negotiate partnerships with organizations that align with our mission of combating disinformation

– Facilitate collaborative initiatives and campaigns for greater impact

Increasing Signatory Base for the Pro-Truth Pledge

– Conceptualize and execute campaigns to encourage individuals and organizations to sign the Pro-Truth Pledge

– Use metrics and analytics to evaluate the efficacy of outreach initiatives

Public Presentations

– Advocate for truth and rational thinking through compelling, data-backed virtual presentations to diverse audiences

– Collaborate with organizations to present for their members

Earned Media and Public Relations

– Develop a media outreach strategy that capitalizes on trending topics related to disinformation

– Engage with journalists and thought leaders to secure earned media opportunities

Political and Public Figure Outreach

– Foster relationships with politicians, public figures, and organizations across the political spectrum who are aligned with our cause of combating disinformation

– Leverage these relationships to secure collaborations that amplify the impact of the Pro-Truth Pledge

Qualifications and Skills (in order of importance)

– Organized, detail-oriented problem solver who initiates action

– Prior experience in fundraising, especially involving phone-based donor outreach

– Demonstrated commitment to civic engagement and rational discourse

– Comfortable delivering virtual presentations

– Capable of engaging with diverse leaders and organizations, including those of left-leaning and secular groups

– Knowledgeable about US politics

– Values truth above ideology

– Proficient in tools including Excel, Google Docs, Mailchimp, Facebook Groups, ChatGPT, and Trello


– Fully remote position

– Desirable to travel to Columbus, Ohio, once a year for a board retreat

Salary and Benefits

– This is a part-time position (25 hours per week)

– $17-$23 per hour, based on experience

– $1 hourly rate increase after a successful 3-month review

– After that, quarterly performance-based bonuses up to $500

– Annual merit-based raise based on quantifiable outcomes

If you have any questions, email protruthpledgehire [at]

To apply, submit your resume and a cover letter detailing your relevant experience to protruthpledgehire [at]

**Application Deadline: November 30, 2023**

Debunking the 5 Myths of Hybrid Work

Employers, beware: there’s a slew of misinformation about remote and hybrid work floating around. If you don’t separate fact from fiction, your company’s future might look as bleak as a polar bear stranded on a melting iceberg.

Don’t be that polar bear. As an expert in hybrid and remote work with over 22 years of experience, I’ve guided 23 companies in just the last three years through adopting a successful return to office and hybrid work arrangements. Using best practices gained from this experience, you can make well-informed decisions that will benefit both your employees and your organization on hybrid and remote work.

Myth #1: Remote Work Inevitably Leads to Lower Productivity

Picture yourself in your favorite pair of pajamas, lying on the couch with your laptop. You might think that this is the epitome of remote work productivity, but you’d be sorely mistaken. Remote work doesn’t necessarily lead to lower productivity levels.

On the contrary, studies show that remote workers generally have higher productivity rates than their in-office counterparts. It’s not about the location; it’s about setting clear expectations, providing the right tools, and fostering a culture of trust and accountability.

Myth #2: Hybrid Work Is Just an Excuse for Slacking Off

This myth is as absurd as suggesting that mixing oil and vinegar creates a new element. Hybrid work is not an excuse for employees to slack off. Instead, it’s a flexible arrangement that allows employees to optimize their work-life balance and maximize their productivity.

When implemented properly, hybrid work gives employees the best of both worlds: the social interactions of the office and the focus of remote work. The key is to create a structured hybrid work policy and ensure that employees understand their responsibilities, regardless of their location.

Myth #3: Collaboration and Innovation Suffer in Remote and Hybrid Work Models

Think of remote and hybrid work as a game of musical chairs. When the music stops, and everyone settles into their virtual seats, collaboration and innovation can still flourish.

It may require adopting new techniques to ensure that remote employees can innovate effectively, but technology has made it possible to bridge the gap. Video conferencing, project management tools, and instant messaging apps can help maintain the flow of communication and collaboration. It’s essential to establish an environment where every voice is heard, and diverse perspectives are valued.

Myth #4: Hybrid Work Leads to Disconnected and Disengaged Employees

Disconnecting remote and hybrid workers from their colleagues is like trying to separate conjoined twins with a butter knife – it’s neither easy nor advisable. With the right strategies in place, employees can remain connected and engaged, regardless of their work location.

Encourage regular check-ins, create virtual water cooler moments, and promote a strong company culture. Remember that empathy, understanding, and open communication are the lifeblood of a connected workforce.

Myth #5: If It’s Not Broken, Don’t Fix It – The Traditional Office Model Is Best

If you believe that sticking to the traditional office model is the safest bet, you’re like a captain refusing to abandon a sinking ship. Times have changed, and so have employee expectations.

Offering remote and hybrid work options can help attract top talent, improve employee satisfaction, and increase retention rates. Companies that fail to adapt to the new normal risk being left behind like relics from a bygone era.

Tackling Misinformation Head-On: The Key to Success

Like a skilled magician debunking a seemingly impossible illusion, it’s time for employers to confront these myths and reveal the truth about remote and hybrid work. By acknowledging and addressing the misinformation and addressing bias, you can create a work environment that fosters productivity, innovation, and employee satisfaction – while securing your company’s competitive edge in the ever-evolving business landscape.

It’s time to let go of outdated assumptions and embrace the future of work. Remote and hybrid work models are here to stay, and companies that adapt, innovate, and create a culture of trust and flexibility will thrive in the long run. So, how can you make this happen? Here are a few steps to get you started:

Step 1: Develop a Clear Hybrid Work Policy

A well-crafted hybrid work policy sets the foundation for success. Be explicit about expectations, including work hours, communication protocols, and performance metrics. Establish guidelines on when employees should work in the office, and make sure to be inclusive and fair in your approach.

Step 2: Provide the Right Tools and Support

Equip your employees with the necessary tools and resources to succeed in a remote or hybrid environment. Invest in reliable technology, provide access to collaboration platforms, and ensure that employees have a comfortable and functional workspace.

Step 3: Foster a Culture of Trust and Accountability

Trust and accountability are the glue that holds remote and hybrid teams together. Encourage open communication, provide regular feedback, and empower employees to take ownership of their work, while addressing biases like proximity bias. Trust that your team members will deliver, and hold them accountable for their performance.

Step 4: Prioritize Employee Well-being and Connection

The well-being of your employees is paramount in a remote or hybrid setting. Provide mental health resources, encourage work-life balance, and create opportunities for employees to connect and bond with one another. Virtual team-building activities, casual online gatherings, and regular check-ins can all help maintain a strong sense of camaraderie and support.

Step 5: Continuously Review and Refine Your Strategy

As the world of work continues to evolve, it’s crucial to remain agile and open to change. Regularly review your remote and hybrid work policies and strategies, gather employee feedback, and make data-driven decisions to ensure your approach stays relevant and effective.


The path to debunking remote and hybrid work myths may not be as smooth as a freshly Zamboni-ed ice rink, but with determination, foresight, and a willingness to embrace change, you can steer your organization toward a future of success and growth. Don’t let the myths hold you back – embrace the new era of work and watch your company soar to new heights.

Image Credit: Flickr/Oregon Department of Transportation

Dr. Gleb Tsipursky helps leaders use hybrid work to improve retention and productivity while cutting costs. He serves as the CEO of the boutique future-of-work consultancy Disaster Avoidance Experts. Dr. Gleb wrote the first book on returning to the office and leading hybrid teams after the pandemic, his best-seller Returning to the Office and Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams (Intentional Insights, 2021). He authored seven books in total, and is best know for his global bestseller, Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters (Career Press, 2019). His cutting-edge thought leadership was featured in over 650 articles and 550 interviews in Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Inc. Magazine, USA Today, CBS News, Fox News, Time, Business Insider, Fortune, and elsewhere. His writing was translated into Chinese, Korean, German, Russian, Polish, Spanish, French, and other languages. His expertise comes from over 20 years of consulting, coaching, and speaking and training for Fortune 500 companies from Aflac to Xerox. It also comes from over 15 years in academia as a behavioral scientist, with 8 years as a lecturer at UNC-Chapel Hill and 7 years as a professor at Ohio State. A proud Ukrainian American, Dr. Gleb lives in Columbus, Ohio.

The Devious Dance of AI-Generated Misinformation

An insidious new threat to truthfulness has emerged: generative AI. With its unparalleled capacity to create persuasive, engaging content, generative AI is a master of deception. So, let’s unravel the mystery of this technological chameleon and learn how to protect ourselves from its digital deceit, as I write about in my new book.

A Wicked Waltz: How Generative AI Spins Its Web

Generative AI, such as the GPT-4, is an extraordinary marvel of modern technology. It’s like a futuristic loom, weaving together words and phrases with incredible finesse, producing content that’s virtually indistinguishable from human-generated material. But with great power comes great responsibility—and the potential for misuse.

Imagine a social media post, dripping with controversy and enticing headlines, crafted by an AI. It spreads like wildfire, garnering likes, shares, and retweets, while the truth is left gasping for air in the smoky aftermath. This, my friends, is the dark side of generative AI, where it becomes a digital Pied Piper, leading us astray with false information.

The Smoke and Mirrors of AI-Generated Fake News

AI-generated misinformation is like a hall of mirrors, distorting reality in countless ways. It can be as subtle as altering the tone of an article to sow discord or as blatant as fabricating entire news stories. The real danger lies in its ability to blend deception seamlessly with the truth, making it increasingly difficult for readers to discern fact from fiction.

Take, for example, a political election. An AI could generate an avalanche of false claims about a candidate, swaying public opinion and potentially altering the course of history. It’s like a hidden puppeteer, pulling the strings of our democracy from the shadows.

Unmasking the Charlatan: Detecting AI-Generated Content

Fortunately, there are ways to unmask the AI-generated charlatan. While it’s true that generative AI can produce content that rivals human creativity, it’s not perfect. There are telltale signs that can betray its true origin.

For instance, AI-generated content can be overly verbose or use phrases that feel slightly off. It may also struggle with complex topics, resulting in inconsistencies or inaccuracies. And while AI-generated content might be grammatically correct, it can lack the human touch—a certain je ne sais quoi that’s difficult to emulate.

So, when you come across a suspicious article or social media post, increase your mental awareness and scrutinize the content for these subtle imperfections.

A Digital Shield: Tools to Combat AI Misinformation

In our quest to defend against AI-generated misinformation, we are not unarmed. Just as AI has advanced, so too have the tools to combat it. These digital shields come in the form of AI content detection tools, designed to spot the telltale signs of AI-generated text.

These tools act like a digital sniffer dog, trained to detect the unique scent of AI-generated content. They analyze patterns, syntax, and other linguistic fingerprints to separate the wheat from the chaff, allowing us to identify and neutralize misinformation before it can cause harm.

The Power of Awareness: A Call to Action

The battle against AI-generated misinformation is not a war we can afford to lose. As generative AI continues to evolve, so too must our defenses. It’s vital that we remain vigilant, educating ourselves and others about the risks and the tools available to combat this digital menace.

So, let us be the guardians of truth, standing firm against the tide of misinformation. Together, we can shine a light on the shadows cast by generative AI, ensuring that we protect the integrity of our information landscape.

An Ounce of Prevention: Encouraging Ethical AI Development

We must also advocate for responsible AI development and implementation. By fostering a culture of transparency and ethics within the tech industry, we can encourage the creation of AI systems that serve the greater good, rather than fueling the fires of misinformation.

To achieve this, we can support organizations that promote ethical AI development and push for regulations that hold AI creators accountable for the potential misuse of their technology. It’s like planting a garden of digital responsibility, nurturing it with the seeds of ethical innovation, and watching it grow into a force for positive change.

A United Front: Collaborating to Combat Misinformation

The fight against AI-generated misinformation cannot be won by any one individual or organization alone. It requires a united front, with experts in technology, journalism, and education working together to build robust defenses against this insidious threat.

By pooling our resources and expertise, we can develop innovative strategies to identify and counteract AI-generated misinformation. This collective effort will not only help us stay one step ahead of the ever-evolving AI, but also strengthen the bonds of trust and cooperation that form the bedrock of our society.

The Long Road Ahead: Remaining Resilient and Adaptable

The battle against AI-generated misinformation is akin to a never-ending game of digital cat and mouse. As AI continues to advance, it’s crucial that we remain adaptable and resilient in the face of this emerging threat.

We must not become complacent, nor should we allow the fear of AI-generated misinformation to paralyze us. Instead, let it galvanize us to action, inspiring us to seek out the truth and champion the cause of accurate, reliable information.

The danger posed by AI-generated misinformation is very real, and it’s up to each of us to take an active role in safeguarding our information landscape. By staying informed, using detection tools, promoting ethical AI development, fostering collaboration, and remaining resilient and adaptable, we can triumph over this digital menace and ensure that the truth always prevails. Together, let’s dance to the beat of accuracy and integrity, leaving the devious dance of AI-generated misinformation behind.

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

Dr. Gleb Tsipursky helps leaders use hybrid work to improve retention and productivity while cutting costs. He serves as the CEO of the boutique future-of-work consultancy Disaster Avoidance Experts. Dr. Gleb wrote the first book on returning to the office and leading hybrid teams after the pandemic, his best-seller Returning to the Office and Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams (Intentional Insights, 2021). He authored seven books in total, and is best know for his global bestseller, Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters (Career Press, 2019). His cutting-edge thought leadership was featured in over 650 articles and 550 interviews in Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Inc. Magazine, USA Today, CBS News, Fox News, Time, Business Insider, Fortune, and elsewhere. His writing was translated into Chinese, Korean, German, Russian, Polish, Spanish, French, and other languages. His expertise comes from over 20 years of consulting, coaching, and speaking and training for Fortune 500 companies from Aflac to Xerox. It also comes from over 15 years in academia as a behavioral scientist, with 8 years as a lecturer at UNC-Chapel Hill and 7 years as a professor at Ohio State. A proud Ukrainian American, Dr. Gleb lives in Columbus, Ohio.

My Conversation with Ralph Jaffe, Democratic Candidate for Governor of Maryland

By Alexandra Leigon

Every midterm election, there are candidates running who could turn the tide toward truth if they got into office. Most of them know little to nothing about the Pro-Truth Pledge. So each election, the Pro-Truth Pledge staff, and our many volunteers reach out to all candidates nationwide, asking them to sign the Pledge. It is our goal to not only have candidates commit to speaking truth in their campaign promotionals, but to spread the idea that truth in politics is something broadly achievable. If one candidate signs the Pledge, begins to shape their rhetoric and strategy with truthful information and is willing to be held accountable for the statements they make and the ads they produce, it can serve as a strong incentive to other candidates in the same race to do likewise. Having a candidate agree to the principles of the Pledge can positively affect their campaign, drawing voters to see the comparison between the candidate and others in the race. The hoped-for outcome would see all candidates do likewise in an effort to be competitive. It is not a goal achievable in any single election year, but consistently pursued election after election, it could alter the nature of campaigning over time.

Each year we hope to find more candidates willing to commit their entire campaigns to speaking and promoting the truth. This year we got especially lucky in reaching out to the candidates for governor in Maryland. We had a response from a candidate who has placed truth in politics at the center of an entire movement he started, and he was eager to demonstrate what he has been promoting for years. Ralph Jaffe is a teacher and a Democratic candidate for Governor of Maryland who resides in Baltimore. He believes the most vital element of this year’s gubernatorial race is speaking the truth. He wants to build a movement for truth in Baltimore because he believes that corruption is the greatest impediment to seeing that the citizens of Maryland are fairly represented. In his view, they need a government that will work to address issues of corruption that lie at the root of Maryland’s biggest problems. In my conversation with him, I was impressed by his genuine commitment to seeking a way to demonstrate through his own campaign and his own term in office how the current political climate could be changed. In particular, his willingness to serve without compensation and to limit his time in office to a single term could provide evidence of the positive effects of limiting corruption at the state level.

His website’s URL says it all: . His Mission Statement tells us exactly where he is coming from: “I am a teacher, not a politician. I use the political campaigns as a teaching device to show my students where the corruption is in government. Then, on a volunteer basis, my students can vote for the principles on which I stand. The JAFFE MOVEMENT’S mission is to put a stop to corruption in the Maryland political system and to replace it with true, ethical reform”. His commitment and determination are inspiring. He discusses the principles of his movement in a YouTube video here:

Image credit:

Pro-Truth Pledge Translated to Romanian

Angajament pentru adevăr

Mă angajez să fac eforturi serioase ca să:

Propag adevărul prin:

  • Verificare: voi verifica informațiile pentru a confirma că sunt adevărate înainte de a le accepta și a le distribui.
  • Imparțialitate: voi distribui întregul adevăr, chiar și atunci când în unele privințe nu îmi susține opinia.
  • Transparență: voi dezvălui sursele mele de informare, astfel încât informațiile transmise de mine să poată fi verificate.
  • Clarificare: voi distinge între opinia mea și fapte.

Onorez adevărul prin:

  • Recunoaștere: voi recunoaște informațiile adevărate, chiar dacă eu nu sunt de acord cu acele informații.
  • Reevaluare: voi reevalua informațiile mele atunci când vor fi contestate și le voi retracta dacă nu le voi putea verifica.
  • Apărare: îi vor apăra pe cei care sunt atacați pentru că distribuie informații adevărate, chiar și atunci când în alte privințe nu sunt de acord cu ei.
  • Punere de acord: îmi voi pune de acord opiniile și acțiunile cu informațiile adevărate.

Încurajez adevărul prin:

  • Corectare: voi cere ca informațiile infirmate de surse de încredere să fie retractate, chiar și de aliații mei.
  • Educare: voi informa cu înțelegere pe cei din jur să nu mai folosească surse îndoielnice de informații, chiar dacă aceste surse îmi susțin opinia.
  • Acceptare: voi accepta opiniile experților ca având mai multe șanse de a fi corecte atunci când faptele sunt disputate.
  • Felicitare: voi felicita pe cei care își retrag afirmațiile incorecte și care își actualizează convingerile potrivit adevărului.

Whose Responsibility Is It Anyway?

The country has been gripped with the aftermath of the Presidential election, marred with accusations of massive voter fraud altering the outcome of the election. As contributing factors emerge to paint a clearer picture of what led up to the historic second impeachment of the 45th President, we should recognize that all of us as citizens have a responsibility to contribute to a truth-based culture in the United States.

As a public official responsible for conducting elections in Inyo County, California, I experienced firsthand how manipulated facts fueled a national crisis that culminated at the Capitol on January 6th. For many citizens, this was the first time experiencing the damage that false accusations can cause.

Having been directly exposed to a conspiracy prior to this election, I view misinformation and disinformation as much more menacing to our culture than this single tragic incident. A few years ago, I found myself at the heart of a small conspiracy when I agreed to help a local family in crisis after their child went missing. Many people who volunteered to help were doxxed, maliciously reported to law enforcement, had their private conversations shared publicly without permission, had false reports made to their jobs, all of which pales in comparison to the stalking and harassment the family continues to endure. It was very emotional and confusing since I had never experienced anything like it before.

I am not a mental health professional, but I have spent a lot of time reflecting on my own experiences. In my opinion, we need to invest much more research into how the Internet is contributing to a less stable society. In the meantime, as individuals, we should develop strategies to deal with harassing behaviors online, and to protect ourselves from unintentionally participating in it. I would encourage readers to do their own research and seek professional support if they find themselves involved in conspiratorial thinking.

According to medical hypotheses, delusions are mistaken and unfounded personal beliefs, when there is superior evidence to the contrary. Once in a delusion, depending on how convinced the person is of the fictitious reality, they will cling to their false beliefs even when presented with conflicting evidence. We see this in politics where officials blame each other for problems, ignoring their own actions leading to current events.

In the situations that I experienced, only parts of relevant information were widely shared. Other evidence was misrepresented, with attempts to set the record straight either ignored or further twisted to feed false narratives.

People often see patterns and connections that are simply not there. We have all likely experienced a form of this at some point in our life – whether it be an insecurity, a paranoia or leaps in logic that do not add up but play into our biases. In the digital world, these tendencies can increase if they are reinforced by others that have similar beliefs. If gone unchallenged, these delusions can feed into a mass hysteria. This is a circumstance where many people in a group believe in a delusion, reinforcing each other in their false convictions.

When I found myself mistreated because of rumors and lies, it sometimes felt like nothing that I could do or say could dispel the fabrications. In large part, this was true. Once someone has made up their mind, it can be difficult to convince them otherwise. In the case of elections, I can show public evidence, but people may still choose not to believe it. In the sensitive case of a missing person, there are many things unknown, so the truth is much harder to discern.

In both cases, I chose to approach the skeptics with compassion and empathy. It is easy to take false accusations personally. After all, most of us are not used to being lied about by strangers. In any case, the perceptions of the accusers are real, even if the facts do not support their conclusions. Learning to recognize that many abusive behaviors online are complex and could be the result of underlying mental health disorders might help you refrain from the impulse to participate in the collective trauma. I asked gentle, logical, and clarifying questions when I felt that someone was acting in good faith and tried to be non-confrontational with those who did not seem to be acting rationally. It is important to be able to recognize real threats and separate that from critical or hurtful comments.

Having people publicly accuse me of motives that I did not possess or thoughts I never considered is likely a result of the perplexing phenomenon known as psychological projection.

According to “Psychological projection is a defense mechanism people subconsciously employ in order to cope with difficult feelings or emotions. Psychological projection involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings. Have you ever disliked someone only to become convinced that the person had a vendetta against you? This is a common example of psychological projection.”

No one can know what another person is thinking unless they explicitly tell you. Even then, it may only be what the person believes at that moment in time, if they are even being truthful in the first place. Just because someone said something in the past, we should not assume that they are incapable of changing their minds, especially if more information materializes. An example is the current health crisis, where it would be illogical to rely on reports from 11 months ago, prior to the emergence of more recent scientific studies.

All of us should make conscious efforts not to assign motives to others or share deceptive information. If you have, it is okay to seek forgiveness if the situation warrants it. We all make mistakes. However, if we fail to recognize our own responsibility to be honest, instead placing the blame at the feet of others, we lose our opportunity to promote a more genuine humanity. Simple things, like taking the ProTruth Pledge, can remind others that speaking the truth matters. It may seem like such a monumental problem that one person’s actions could never make a difference. But, like a pebble dropped into a pond, although the catalyst of dropping the pebble may seem like one small act, collectively the ripple effect can create powerful waves with significant impacts. If we all commit to this simple philosophy – to hold ourselves responsible for telling the truth – my hope is that we can collectively manifest a more positive and truthful world.

Photo Credit: ocean.flynn, licenced under Creative Commons

About the author: Kammi Foote is currently serving her third term as the elected Clerk-Recorder and Registrar of Voters, responsible for overseeing elections in Inyo County, California. She is a frequent invited speaker regarding election integrity and has testified on measures to improve the administration of elections before the California Senate and the Little Hoover Commission. In addition, she is a board member of several nonprofits that focus on civil rights, sustainable water and environmental policies, and leadership development.