Nils Palsson

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Nils Palsson

I stand with our people (ALL of us) and the home planet we share. I stand for social, racial, environmental and economic justice for all. I believe that medicare for all, college affordability, campaign finance reform, real peace, racial justice, and solutions to the great crises of our time (including income inequality and climate chaos) are not only possible, but necessary. Right now. We stand at a crossroads, and I trust our collective wisdom to do what is right. And win, lose or draw, there is one thing I’m determined to do above all else: Tell the truth! This is precisely what is missing from our political system today. The scientific facts of climate change, the statistics of wealth inequality, the indisputable evidence of our common humanity, the collective challenges we face, and the proven common-sense solutions that exist, are all enshrouded in a thick web of corporate propaganda, media misinformation, partisan posturing and other obfuscations. The truth will set us free!